Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Zeke and Tricky Dick: A Parallel History
This is the first installment of a new series on the RFH Collective. We will be taking a look at past Presidents and making the appropriate comparisons to NBA players. Does this make any sense whatsoever? No. So why are we doing it? Because it's awesome.
Richard Nixon and Isiah Thomas:
A comparison of Richard Nixon and Isiah Thomas is the best possible way to start this series. The commonalities between these two men can no longer be ignored. They share an eerily similar career trajectory and operated within their own codes of ethics. Both men grew up with little, suffered from severe inferiority complexes and would do anything to win. They were both immensely accomplished and resilient when faced with defeat. They played dirty, resented others' success and ultimately ruined their legacies. Here's a closer look.....
Humble Beginnings:
Richard Milhous Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, CA on his parent's failing family ranch. The young Nixon struggled with financial hardship, a violent father and the death of two of his four brothers at an early age. Isiah Lord Thomas III also grew up surrounded by the grim reality of poverty. As the youngest of nine children in a dangerous pocket of Chicago's West Side, Thomas recalled dreaming not of playing in the NBA but rather just having enough to eat. Nixon once described his boyhood by saying that "we were poor, but the glory of it was, we didn't know it." Unfortunately for both boys, they would soon be exposed to the reality of America's two-tiered class structure: the haves and the have-nots.
Nixon was a hard working, successful student in high school and was accepted to Harvard University. Unfortunately, his family lacked the resources to send him East to live and study among the country's best and brightest (and most privileged). Instead, he had to make do with the cards he was dealt and ended up attending local Whittier College. While at school, Nixon lived at home and continued to work at the family store. Isiah, having seen the usual pitfalls of rampant urban poverty swallow up a few of his older siblings, knew he had to do something to help his mother. Basketball was going to be his way out. And the best way to do this was travel an hour-and-a-half each way to suburban Westchester, IL to play at St. Joe's Prep for the legendary Gene Pingatore. St. Joe's was a different world for Thomas as it was populated almost exclusively with an affluent, white student body.
Nixon's and Thomas' upbringings provide us all a chance to sit back and play armchair psychologist. Many of the hardships they experienced at an early age most likely gave them the deep, burning desire to succeed at any cost. Seeing how easy some people had it while they had to scrape and claw for everything probably created giant chips on their shoulders. All of that is just amateur guesswork, however. What we know is that both men, even in their adolescence, were willing work hard, keep scrapping and move forward. We just think that it was this adversity that gave them the snarl while they did it.
Early Success:
The hard times didn't last forever for these two brothers from another mother. Both Nixon and Thomas went on to experience a string of good fortune early in their respective careers. Not only were they successful, but both men also developed well-earned reputations for being edgy and extremely tough.
Nixon and his historically underrated intellect went on to Duke Law School after an impressive undergraduate career (he received a full scholarship). He returned home and practiced corporate and probate law until the war. Despite having the option of sitting out (he was raised a Quaker), Nixon signed up for the Navy. Although he never saw combat, Nixon received two service stars, two letters of commendation and ended up with the ranking of lieutenant commander. It wasn't until his next endeavor, a run for Congress, that we saw how far Nixon was willing to go in order to win. This side of Isiah was revealed a little earlier.
Despite a stellar career at St. Joe's, Thomas consistently butted heads with Pingatore. Notwithstanding this contentious relationship with his demanding high school coach, Thomas decided to play for another taskmaster in college. He turned down the local DePaul program, instead opting to travel to Indiana and play for The General, Bobby Knight. Knight was notorious for being harsh, uncompromising and hardhearted (ego-maniacal and self-important, as well, if you ask us). So, did the 18-year-old who was away from home for the first time back down to this intimidating legend? Quite the contrary. Thomas knew he was going need control of the offense in order to win a national championship. He wasn't going to let Knight get in his way. This undersized teenager with a baby face had numerous, fierce altercations with The General and ultimately succeeded in breaking him down. It paid off. Thomas won Indiana a national championship as a sophomore and was named the tournament's Most Outstanding Player. He then decided it was time to bring his ruthless competitiveness to the professional level, a level with which Nixon was already getting acquainted.

Zeke telling Knight how it's going to be.
Nixon began his political career by running for Congress in Southern California's 12th District. The local Republican king-makers recruited a number of high profile candidates to take on liberal icon, Jerry Voorhis, the five-time Democratic incumbent. These deep-pocketed, power players were unable to land any of their top choices (including General Patton) due to a perceived notion of Voorhis' invincibility, and they ultimately ended up with Nixon, the bright young attorney with a commendable war record. They wouldn't be disappointed. Nixon went full-speed at Voorhis, whom he thought of as a snobby, Yale-educated elite. So how did Nixon beat this seemingly invincible candidate? In a number of ways. There is no denying that he was a relentless campaigner and a skilled debater. However, this Congressional race of 1946 is not famous because of those things. Rather, it is still talked about because it is the first time Nixon took down an opponent with a vicious campaign predicated on commie bashing. He used this red-baiting campaign strategy with a great deal of success in his next few campaigns.
Nixon went on to become one of the faces of the anti-communist movement during his two terms in the House and then cemented that reputation in his run for Senate in 1950. In that campaign, he took on Helen Gahagan Douglas and ramped up his nasty, dirty rhetoric. The campaign is remembered as one of the most contentious political campaigns in history. In typical Nixon fashion, he relentlessly attacked her character and branded her a communist sympathizer, even saying that she was "pink right down to her underwear." Not surprisingly, it was during this street-fight called a campaign that Nixon earned the nickname, "Tricky Dick." Nixon took his hard-hitting, successful reputation all the way to White House as Eisenhower's Vice President from 1953-61. Say what you want about Richard Nixon's early career. Call him crass. Call him dirty. But make sure you also call him a winner. Something you could also call Thomas in his early pro-career.
Despite being only a hair over six-feet tall and an underclassmen, the Detroit Pistons made Isiah the second overall pick in 1981. There was a reason the Pistons were drafting second, they were dreadful (they had a combined 37 wins in the previous two years). This didn't stop management from hailing Thomas as a savior and resorting to championship talk during the announcement of his contract. Certainly steep expectations for a teenager, but Isiah did what he always did: he stared adversity in the face and took control. He wasn't going to let a moribund franchise get in the way of winning, it was his team now. Thomas became the first player in NBA history to make the All-Star team in each of his first five years.
He didn't just have personal success, the team followed his lead. The Pistons made the playoffs in 1984 and lost a hotly contested series against Bernard King and the Knicks. It was in Game 5 that people saw the type of clutch performance that would become commonplace for Thomas in the future. He managed to score 16 points in the game's last 94 seconds and forced OT. Detroit Free Press columnist Charlie Vincent probably said it best when describing Thomas: "[h]e came with a smile that made us all think he was a choirboy but showed us, in time, that--on the floor--he could be an assassin." Although he lost the series, the future looked bright.
He didn't just have personal success, the team followed his lead. The Pistons made the playoffs in 1984 and lost a hotly contested series against Bernard King and the Knicks. It was in Game 5 that people saw the type of clutch performance that would become commonplace for Thomas in the future. He managed to score 16 points in the game's last 94 seconds and forced OT. Detroit Free Press columnist Charlie Vincent probably said it best when describing Thomas: "[h]e came with a smile that made us all think he was a choirboy but showed us, in time, that--on the floor--he could be an assassin." Although he lost the series, the future looked bright.
However, there would be a number of hurdles both Nixon and Thomas had to face before they reached their ultimate goal.
Professional Hurdles:
It should come as no surprise that the quest for the ultimate achievement -- whether it be the office of the Presidency or an NBA title -- did not come wrapped in a bow for these two. It was going to be difficult and for the first time in their lives, Nixon and Thomas came up short. Repeatedly.
Coming off of eight successful years as V.P. and as the leader of a loyal conservative following, Nixon was the presumptive favorite in the Presidential election of 1960. Nixon had a problem though: his opponent was John F. Kennedy. JFK, in Nixon's eyes, was nothing more than another pretty-boy, rich kid from Harvard. But in reality, Kennedy was the total package and certainly a more aesthetically pleasing candidate, a fact that shined through in the country's first modern (i.e. televised) presidential election. Nixon learned the hard way that the natural people skills he lacked, JFK had in abundance. The election marked a changing of the guard in America as the young Kennedy narrowly defeated Nixon (a few favors called in by Joe Kennedy and LBJ in Chicago and Texas didn't hurt). Nixon's losing streak would continue. In 1962, he lost a bid to become California's Governor to "Downtown" Pat Brown. This loss was widely considered the death sentence for Dick Nixon's political career.
Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.
Isiah's losses were just as brutal. In 1985, Thomas led his Pistons back into the playoffs and faced the almighty Larry Bird and his supporting cast of Hall of Famers in the Eastern Conference Semifinals. In a valiant effort, Isiah took the Celtics to six games but eventually crumbled against the superior team. In 1987, the Pistons faced the Celtics again, this time in the Eastern Conference Finals. Isiah made himself famous for two reasons in this series: for his play on the court and for his words off of it. Neither of them were flattering. In one of the most boneheaded plays in NBA history, Isiah literally threw away the series. With seconds remaining in Game 5 (the series was tied at two apiece), Thomas carelessly inbounded the ball. As we have all seen, Bird stole it and quickly threaded a pass to DJ for the go-ahead basket. They lost in seven. Isiah compounded his negative publicity by acknowledging that he thought Bird received preferential treatment from the media and that he would be "just another good guy" if he were black (who else consistently made controversial comments? Nixon!). In 1988, Thomas finally made it to the NBA Finals where he had to face Magic Johnson and the Lakers. Although the Pistons lost in seven games, Isiah shed his losing image, and then some. In Game 6, playing with a severely sprained ankle, jammed finger, bruised eye and facial cuts, Thomas dropped 48 points and 8 assists. Of course, this wasn't enough though.
It wasn't just that Nixon and Thomas lost, it was that they lost to superior, more talented people. This didn't just toughen them up, it also made them bitter. It fueled not just their desire for the crown but also their deep-seeded feelings of inferiority. Could Isiah really compete with players eight inches taller? Did Nixon really have the charisma to compete on the biggest of stages? The public began to count them out. So Nixon and Thomas decided they needed to get harder. Nastier. Dirtier. It was the only way they knew.
Impressive Accomplishments:
Both men were more determined than ever to win. Being a good competitor doesn't make you a legend, winning does. And they both knew it. In 50 years, Al Gore and Gary Payton will be footnotes in our history books. These two men wanted their own chapters. They might not be the most talented in every match-up but they were going to be damned if anybody was tougher. It was going to be a war and these two made sure they were surrounded by soldiers. Nixon and Thomas led two groups of men that were fiercely loyal, tough-as-nails and willing to get their hands dirty. Nixon had "The Plumbers." Thomas had the "Bad Boys." These crews consisted of guys with nicknames like The Berlin Wall, The Worm, The Brush and Spiderman. Finally, Nixon and Thomas were ready.
The NBA's version of Haldeman and Ehrlichman.
The very mention of the names “Nixon” or “Isiah” might make you cringe in 2011 due to their negative implications. However, this doesn't mean that they didn't accomplish great things. Isiah led a relatively untalented team to back-to-back championships and Nixon was elected twice as the President of the United States. And of course, they did it in a similar fashion.
Nixon’s Presidency was marked by significant accomplishments politically, domestically, and abroad. In 1968, he finally got the Presidential monkey off his back with a commanding victory over Hubert Humphrey. Following his victory, Nixon took little time to bask in the limelight, opting instead to go full speed ahead with an aggressive domestic agenda. In only one term, Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency, continued to de-segregate the school system, instituted Title IX, expanded social welfare and protected thousands of acres of national parks. This stretch of accomplishments can only be rivaled by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and Barack Obama’s first two years in office. Despite these domestic accomplishments and the major foreign policy move of opening up China, Nixon still felt a cloud of uncertainly on the horizon: Vietnam. During his time in office, he maintained his trademark self-doubt and cynicism -- few can forget the famous tapes of Nixon complaining that the problems of Vietnam would cloud all of his other accomplishments. This doubt would be unfounded, and eventually vanquished in 1972 with Nixon’s ultimate validation, his reelection in 1972. The 1972 re-election was the pinnacle of Nixon’s career, cementing him as one of the most popular Presidents of all time. However, underneath what seemed to be the ultimate accomplishment, there was a brewing crisis that would tarnish Nixon’s career forever.
Just like Nixon, Thomas’s greatest accomplishment began with getting his proverbial monkey off his back: Larry Bird and the Boston Celtics. For years, Bird had tormented Thomas and deprived him of an increasingly elusive NBA title. In 1989, with Bird injured, the Celtic's grip over Isiah would be undone, with the Pistons beating them in the first round of the playoffs. Following this triumph, Thomas wasted no time reaching his ultimate goal. Just like Nixon’s spree of domestic accomplishments, Isiah didn't stop after one victory. Thomas proceeded to take down the Bulls for the Conference title and the Lakers in the Finals. In a single playoffs, Thomas had done the unthinkable: beating the Celtics, Michael Jordan's Bulls, and Magic Johnson's Lakers in a single playoff series. Although Isiah had reached the ultimate goal, he continued to have Nixon-esque doubts regarding how long he could remain on top. In his view, it was only a matter of time until Jordan would take over and Thomas was damned if he was going to let Jordan ruin his legacy. Just like Nixon with Vietnam, these doubts would be quelled in 1989-90 when Isiah would win finals MVP on his way to back-to-back titles. He became one of only a handful of players to lead their teams to two straight titles. This was the peak of Thomas’s career, but like Nixon, his career of dirty play was about to come full circle and tarnish his reputation.
Nixon’s Presidency was marked by significant accomplishments politically, domestically, and abroad. In 1968, he finally got the Presidential monkey off his back with a commanding victory over Hubert Humphrey. Following his victory, Nixon took little time to bask in the limelight, opting instead to go full speed ahead with an aggressive domestic agenda. In only one term, Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency, continued to de-segregate the school system, instituted Title IX, expanded social welfare and protected thousands of acres of national parks. This stretch of accomplishments can only be rivaled by Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society and Barack Obama’s first two years in office. Despite these domestic accomplishments and the major foreign policy move of opening up China, Nixon still felt a cloud of uncertainly on the horizon: Vietnam. During his time in office, he maintained his trademark self-doubt and cynicism -- few can forget the famous tapes of Nixon complaining that the problems of Vietnam would cloud all of his other accomplishments. This doubt would be unfounded, and eventually vanquished in 1972 with Nixon’s ultimate validation, his reelection in 1972. The 1972 re-election was the pinnacle of Nixon’s career, cementing him as one of the most popular Presidents of all time. However, underneath what seemed to be the ultimate accomplishment, there was a brewing crisis that would tarnish Nixon’s career forever.
Tricky Dick celebrates the Pistons back-to-back titles.
Tarnished Legacies:
The chronicles of Nixon's and Thomas’s respective falls from grace are well documented in the annals of history, so this section will be short and sweet. Following the 1972 election, the work of the “Plumbers” was exposed in the worst of ways. Watergate epitomized Nixon’s career of dirty politics. Disgraced, Nixon would resign from office and move back to California, never to be heard from again. Thomas’s career would take a similarly abrupt turn for the worse. Following his second title it looked like Thomas would be a shoo-in for the 1992 “Dream Team.” Although he was still at the top of his game, Thomas would be blackballed from this iconic group because the likes of Jordan and Magic had made a point of excluding him. Finally, there was a price to pay for the dirty actions of the “Bad Boys.” Following the exclusion from the Dream Team, Isiah’s NBA career would end abruptly with an achilles tendon tear. Unlike Nixon, Thomas would resurface as an executive and coach, but these forays on the sideline and the luxury box would serve only to compound his fall from grace, as the Raptors, Pacers, and Knicks would all fire him.
Nowadays, Nixon and Thomas are usually only brought up when one needs a comparison regarding a scandal or act of incompetence. Whether you love them or hate them, they were certainly similar. So similar that we could envision Isiah as having been a very successful politician or Richard Nixon as a Hall of Fame point guard in.........okay that's probably going too far.
Nowadays, Nixon and Thomas are usually only brought up when one needs a comparison regarding a scandal or act of incompetence. Whether you love them or hate them, they were certainly similar. So similar that we could envision Isiah as having been a very successful politician or Richard Nixon as a Hall of Fame point guard in.........okay that's probably going too far.
* This post was co-authored by John and Dave Hendrie. Up next, a look at JFK and Magic Johnson. Two charismatic young men who came from strong families and broke down barriers. Oh yeah, they also liked the ladies.
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Nixon was a Quaker. He was not raised as a Mormon. Big difference
Nice article.
You write "In 1989, Bird’s grip over Isiah would be undone, with the Pistons beating the Celtics in the Conference Semifinals. " Actually, Bird was injured during the whole 1988-89 season, and the 1989 playoffs. And the Pistons beat the Celtics in the first round, not the second round (conference semis).
Excellent work Davey...just next time recognize the difference between a Quaker and a Mormon...
Thanks for the comments, guys. I fixed a few of the issues.
And Anonymous, while I know a little about Mormonism but not enough about either, you are absolutely right, there is a significant difference there.
I apologize for the Mormon/Quaker flub up. I was well aware that he was a Quaker and for some reason just typed Mormon. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
The Pistons won the title in 88-89 and 89-90. The Bulls actually won in 90-91 with the start of the first 3-peat.
Great post. I loved reading the comparasion.
fantastic work, i'll be a regular on this blog now
Might want to strengthen your comments on the Nixon vs Kennedy bit:
Kennedy was a Jimmy Carter level mistake as a president...
Enjoyed the article, but have to take exception to our current President's resume. By Obama's accomplishments in the first two years - do you mean the healthcare plan that no one wants or and the $1 trillion dollar stimulus plan that failed to stimulate anything?
To all the anonymous commenters, welcome! We look forward to having you around for our eclectic mix of sports coverage. Make sure to tune in this week for the rest of the presidents/NBA players series
Well, I'm not so sure about the "accomplishments" of Obama's presidency so far. We might want to see if he actually gets reelected before trying to put him in historical context, and there are other presidents (i.e. Ronald Reagan, both Roosevelts) who accomplished a lot on the domestic front right away. Whether you agree or disagree with what they did isn't really the issue. And while the Great Society was certainly ambitious, it's effectiveness is certainly debatable. Sports is a lot easier to measure objectively than politics, so it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future. Which NBA player gets compared to Jimmy Carter or Herbert Hoover, and which gets compared to Reagan or FDR (not to mention Lincoln and Washington)? It could get very controversial.
But at any rate, this was an excellent article overall. It was a fascinating read to be sure, and I'll be looking forward to future installments of the series.
Some suggestions for future posts:
William Henry Harrison and Len Bias
George Washington and George Mikan
Lenny Wilkins and Barack Obama
Teddy Roosevelt and Michal Jordan
Bill Clinton and Magic Johnson
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